Tuesday 29 January 2013


Recently I had a school friend's birthday, and she is one of those people who seems to have everything she wants, I haven't been here for a while so I can't say I know her as well lately but, I mean that like she doesn't seem to procrastinate. A lot of things I would ask for as a birthday gift would be things that I had wanted for ages, but could never get round to getting, or things I hadn't managed to find, and she seems like she would just go get it or find something that she wanted. Anyway my point, and there is one, is that I had no idea what to give her. So a combination of time, cute things laying around and some inspiration led me to make something.

I used a thin stretch of black denim like fabric as a base and arranged buttons on there with a thin ribbon, a piece of denim, and another piece of cloth. The buttons were all from my mothers button collection (ones that had actually come with clothes) that has been accumulating since the 80's. I used to play with these buttons as a child, and we used to trade them as currency when playing other games.. I think it would be hard to get my future kids to play with buttons... 

I don't know how she managed it, I was a super hyper child and I wasn't allowed Tizer among other fizzy drinks because I would rocket around the house for hours until I crashed (which was headache enough for my mum) or till me or my sister had a trip to A and E. Usually it was the latter, and I think that was what eventually prompted the ban. They should have had a points scheme at A and E, for the number of times we had to go there. Between my abhorrence of all things girly, my tendency to take statements by the local boys as challenges, and my tendency to use my sister as a guinea pig, Mum could have an MRI or something, and those aren't cheap..
I remember one weekend all my local friends were busy and I was being all hyper in the house and my mother tried to get me to go outside and play;

Mum, "Go and play outside!"
Me, "I can't! No one is here this weekend..!" *pouts, then carries on being hyper running around my mum*
Mum starts getting more irritated, "Well, if no one is around then just play with yourself!"
Dad chimed in, "When I 'played with myself' you told me off! Hahahaha!"
*Mum gives Dad a stern look*

I had no idea what that was about till I was about 20 and it came to mind.. lol

Anyway, here is the finished product. I wasn't really blogging then so I don't have any 'in the process pictures', but I don't think people need to see my janky stitching and bleeding fingers so no loss there really.. 

Turns out she wanted a mix CD too so I made her a CD of all the 'jamz' I've been bouncing around to lately, classics like this, this and this (but the original, which isn't on you tube >.< ) along with tracks from some of my CTEPA agents. even that process was a blast from the past, because I haven't made a CD for ages! I mean.. Hardly anyone uses them any more and it took a lot of digging to find a blank one. But it was a fun experience, and I needed a recent playlist. Win Win!

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